My Conversation with Clayton Christensen on Business Metrics Mis-use

Clayton Christensen, PhD

I was invited to a Harvard Business Review live-streamed seminar with Clayton Christensen, PhD on June 26, 2014. I selected an excerpt about Clayton’s view that business leaders must discard short term business metrics and go back to thinking long term to innovate successfully. Thank you to the late Clayton Christensen, PhD for his world…

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Leverage Disruptive Technology For Career and Business Growth

Disruptive Technology on bridge design

AEC firms are often slow to adopt new technology due to risk and cost. However, new technology drives new revenue streams if used to its full potential—and at enviable margins. Why is Disruptive Technology the kind that drives the most growth? Find out why Disruptive Technology and technological change is so hard for industry insiders.…

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To change or not to change. How does it impact your future?

Do you contribute to a 401(k)? Do you have a mortgage and plan to have it paid off someday? These thoughts and actions we take or don’t take, are related as we must start now, to protect our interests later. How about your career and business interests? Do you constantly work to improve you, your team,…

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Why you’re not meeting your clients’ needs

I am excited to offer you a free downloadable tool to keep your services positioned for high-demand and high-profit. See below for the link. Read to find out why this is so critical to your career and financial health. You created your business model back when your company was formed or when you took over as CEO. You…

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Use these steps to avoid CRM implementation failure

A strong Client Relationship Management program (CRM) can be a major asset for your organization’s revenue generation engine. But… effective CRM implementation is OFTEN TRICKY and more often than not, it fails. Time and money is lost and frustration and blame leads to misery. There is a right and wrong way to implement CRM. Very…

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The one thing you need to know about decision making certainty

It can be lonely at the top. As a CEO or firm executive, your shoulders are burdened by huge responsibilities. This impacts your personal life, your sleep, and your feeling of accomplishment. There is risk everywhere. Your employees have each other for collaboration, brainstorming and feedback. Do you have an honest, tell-you-what-you-need-to-know resource? Have you…

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Meet market demand by accident and you are sure to fail

We’re all busy trying to bring in new business, service clients at the highest level possible and bill at high rates. Because this requires so much focus, strategic planning can take a back seat. If you tread water, living off what you learned earlier in your career,  there are sharks who will eat you whole…

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Your Firm is Your Wings or Your Drag


Training, education, learning, knowledge, skills, or whatever you call it. If you are a marketing coordinator, a senior manager, principal or CEO, you seek more of this. And, you like to spend your time wisely. Most of all, you want something of value out of your learning investment. Yet, time and again, you experience little…

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