Leverage Disruptive Technology For Career and Business Growth
AEC firms are often slow to adopt new technology due to risk and cost. However, new technology drives new revenue streams if used to its full potential—and at enviable margins.
Why is Disruptive Technology the kind that drives the most growth? Find out why Disruptive Technology and technological change is so hard for industry insiders.
This article was published in PE Magazine in December 2018. To read the full article follow this link.
Thank you to the late Clayton Christensen, PhD for his world renowned insights on innovation and his impact on business. _____________________________________________________
Doug Reed, PE, president of FosterGrowth, is a business consultant and corporate adviser. He is a member of the non-profit Engineering Change Lab-USA. ECL-USA’s mission is to assist the engineering community to control its destiny among technological change. He is the author of the peer reviewed book, Lead A Movement: The Insider’s Guide to Powerful Strategy Execution. Prior to FosterGrowth, Doug spent over 30 years with fast growing AEC firms, much as an owner. He can be reached at dreed@fostergrowth.biz and www.fostergrowth.biz